Saturday, December 3, 2011

Lady Gaga - Bloody Mary

I know this is my first post in a while, but it's a good song :) go listen to it:

Love is just a history that they may prove
B____E__E_E_C C B___B___A____A___Ab

And when you're gone, I'll tell them my religion's you.
Ab___A_____E____E____E_ A___A___Ab_Ab G G___F#

When Pontius comes to kill the king upon his throne,
A______B_E_____E__ E__C__C__ B___B A__A___Ab

I'll be ready for their stones.
Ab A__E E__Ab__Ab____A

I'll dance, dance, dance,

With my hands, hands, hands,
B____ C___A_____A______A

Above my head, head, head,
A_B___ C___A_____A____A

Like Jesus said,

I'm gonna dance, dance, dance,
D__ E D____A______A_____A

With my hands, hands, hands,
B____C____A____ A______A

Above my head, hands together, forgive him before he's dead because,
B__C__ B___A____Ab____ABA_____Ab A___B___A Ab__ A___ B____A Ab

I won't cry for you,
F__F___F__ G__E

I won't crucify the things you do,
F__E___D C D__G___B____D__EA

I won't cry for you, see, when you're gone,

I'll still be Bloody Mary.


We are not just art for Michelangelo,
B___E__ E__E___C__C__B_B_A_A_Ab

To carve. He can't rewrite the agro of my furied heart,
Ab__A____E___E____E A___ A_ AbAb G_G__F# F#___B

I'll wait, on mountaintops in Paris cold,
E___E___E___C C B______B_ A A__Ab

Je ne, veux pas mourir toute seule.

I'll dance, dance, dance,

With my hands, hands, hands,

Above my head, head, head,
A_B___ C___A_____A_____A

Like Jesus said,
C____EF___ E

I'm gonna dance, dance, dance,
D___E D___A______A______A

With my hands, hands, hands,
B____ C___A______A_____A

Above my head, hands together forgive him before he's dead because
B__C__ B___A____Ab____ABA____Ab A____B__A Ab___A___B____A Ab

I won't cry for you,
F__F___F__ G__E

I won't crucify the things you do.
F__E___D C D__G___B____D_ EA

I won't cry for you, see,
F__F___ F__G__E___ C

When you're gone I'll still be Bloody Mary.
F______ E____D___C__D_ G__ BD____EA

A Ab A Ab A B C B A


Gaga. Gaga. Gaga. Gaga. Gaga. Gaga. Gaga. Gaga.
CA ____DC___FE____AB___CA___ DC___FE____AB

Dum dum, da da da, dum dum, da da da, da-da da da da.
C____C___D__D_CA___C___C___D_D__C__C_ C_ D_ D_CA

Dum dum, da da da.
A_____G__ E__E_DC

Dum dum, da da da, dum dum, da da da, da-da da da da.
C____C___ D_ D_CA__C____C__ D_ D_C__ C_C__D_ D_CA

Dum dum, da da da.
A____ G___E_ E_DC

I won't cry for you.
F__F___F__ G__E

I won't crucify the things you do, do, do.
F__E___D C A__G___ E___ C__A__ G__ E

I won't cry for you, see,
F__F___F__ G__E____C

When you're gone, I'll still be Bloody Mary.
F______E_____D___ C_ D__G__BD____EA

Whoa-- whoa- whoa-- whoa- whoa-- whoa- whoa- whoa.

Oh. Liberdad, mi amore.
E____F E D___BC__BA

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